Hi Everyone, have I got a load of information to share with you all!
So here I was on Instagram (as usual) looking through @hudabeauty's timeline and I come across her post on how to brighten the skin naturally. Hey, I'm not one that's into skin bleaching or brightening neither am I dark skinned but what caught my attention was the word, 'underarms'. I have wanted brighter underarms in like forever! You know, the type of underarms that Beyonce flaunts, yeah that kind. I tell myself, I gats to see this. So she does a video tutorial on how to use, wait for it...baking soda, yes, baking soda mixed with lemon juice to brighten knees, underarms, knuckles and basically anywhere on your body that you have pigmentation you would like to get rid off. You can watch her video below. Thank you Huda Heidi Kattan!
Yes, I will definitely be trying out the formulation, I need those underarms desperately but I thought, what else can baking soda be used for beautywise? Did a little research on the internet and I found out that this inexpensive item everyone thought was only used in baking actually has soooo many uses. From beauty, to cleaning, to cooking, the list is almost endless.
Here's how it works:
Baking soda helps to regulate pH, i.e., it helps to keep a substance not too acidic and yet not too alkaline. So when baking soda comes in contact with a substance that is either acidic or alkaline, what it does is to naturally neutralize the pH of the said substance. Apart from that, it also has the ability to continually retard changes in the substance's pH balance (known as buffering). Its the combination of its buffering and neutralizing properties that make it effective for many household and cleaning jobs.
Since I am all about beauty, I've compiled a list on how to incorporate baking soda or bicarbonate of soda into your beauty routine.
1. Use as a natural facial scrub: mix three parts baking soda to one part water, mix into a paste. Apply to the face and rub gently in circular motions for about one minute to exfoliate the skin. Rinse clean and follow up with your usual moisturiser. Note that this treatment is safe/gentle enough for daily use. You can also mix one part honey with one part baking soda into a smooth paste, rub onto face in gentle circular motions for about two minutes and rinse off with warm water. The honey and baking soda mix can also be used to treat acne, just leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing off.
2. Use as a natural skin brightening treatment: mix an amount of baking soda with enough lemon juice to make a soft paste and then using a brush like in the video above or just with your hands, rub gently in circular motions to whatever part of your body you would like to brighten and then rinse off. This can be done 3 - 4 times a week until the desired result is achieved.
3. Use as a natural body scrub: make a paste of 3 parts baking soda, 3 parts water and one part milled oatmeal (just pop a little oats into your spice mill for this). Rub onto body in circular motions starting from the feet to boost circulation then rinse off with warm water. This leaves the skin very soft and smooth.
4. Remove product build up from hair: add a small amount of baking soda into your palm along with your regular hair shampoo. Wash as usual and rinse thoroughly. The baking soda will remove any residue left behind by any styling products you have used and your hair will be purified and much more manageable. This should not be used everyday but more like one or twice a month.
5. Use as a hand cleanser/softener: mix three parts baking soda to one part water or liquid hand wash, work in and then rinse. Follow with your usual hand lotion or moisturiser.
6. Freshen your mouth (yes, please do! What is beauty with bad breath?) by putting one teaspoon into half a glass of water, swish around your mouth, spit out and rinse (please do not swallow).
7. Use as a natural skin softener: add half a cup of baking soda into the bath tub before taking a bath for smoother and softer skin.
8. As a natural teeth whitener: apply some baking soda onto your toothpaste and brush as usual. Don't do this everyday, just say for about 2 - 3 days to whiten your teeth and revert back to your usual brushing routine.
9. Use as a makeup brush cleaner: add one teaspoon of baking soda to a cup of water, soak your used brushes in the solution for a little while (so that the glue in the ferrule does not get weakened) and then rinse. Lay flat to dry.
10. Use during your home pedicure: mix two or three tablespoons of baking soda into water to make a foot soak. You can add any essential oil you like such as lavender oil and soak for 20 minutes. Afterwards, scrub rough spots with a paste of baking soda and water to get rid of hard skin. Follow with a soothing foot moisturiser.
I hope you guys will try out some if not all of the tips above, I know I will! Till the next post, stay blessed and beautiful!
You can trust in Me, for I am your strength and your song - Isaiah 12:2